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318is ----------- 315hj vabalthingavana!!!


Nimelt nagu alles hiljuti kuulsin oli M42 baasil tehtud võistlusmootor S42. Ja see S42 vahetas välja S14 (E30 M3 mootor) BMW ringraja autodel. Selle mootori kohta on õnnestnud leida järgnevat inffi:

"The S42 engine was a 2.0L touring car engine with a 86.5mm bore and around a 85mm stroke, which shared the same block as the street going M42. Unlike the common M42, the S42 had a more sophisticated engine management system, and had individual throttle bodies. The S42 unfortunately did not share the same valvetrain as the M42, and is a solid lifter valvetrain (possibily from the S50Euro) fully capable of over 9000rpm, but was limited to a 8500rpm redline, as dictated by touring car rules. It was mounted upright in the bay, not slanted, and ran on a full dry sump oiling system. The pistons had a static compression ratio of around 12:1, and running on pump gas, the S42 made around 280hp (and up to around 310hp later in it's life)."

Jõunumbreid tegid need mootorid siis:

S42/95 FIA 2.0 L 300 hp - 255 Nm

S42/96 FIA 2.0 L 308 hp - 260 Nm

S42/97 FIA 2.0 L 315 hp - 260 Nm


S42 ei ole kunagi paigaldatud seeriaautodele kuid on ehitatud ümber M42 mootoreid mis suudavad pakkuda sama mida pakkus S42. Seega ei ole see M42 midagi nii jama mootor. Ja kui pappi jagub siis saab sellega ehitada vägagi kiire masina.

Kes teab või leiab mingit infot veel s42 kohta siis võiks sellest siin märku anda. Teema võiks siis lõppeda tõdemusega et M42 ümberehituseks S42 mootoriks on vaja järgnevaid asju:

1) .........

2) .........

3) .........


Alustada võib otsingut nende linkide pealt:



Serbias on müüa üks S42 pea - 1000eur: http://www.racecarsdirect.com/viewlisting.php?view=8357

Esiletõstetud vastused

Sorry for ot: Muideks plaanide järgi lähebki kunagi naise autole jälle see 2,8 peale aga seda siis tavalise pea, nuka ja elektroonikaga. Aga see ei tähenda veel et ma 318is tehnikat plaaniks ehitama hakata... :)

ma ei arva mööda ega midagi ma arvan, kindel laks et e46 m3 mootor või siis mingi muu M mootor :D :wink:


Unfortunately, almost none of the S42 parts would make a practical street M42 engine, except for maybe the internals (minus the 12:1 comp pistons). I'd love to get my hands on a S42 crankshaft.

If you really want to build up a M42, you should start with some 3.2L M3 pistons (86.5mm bore), some custom rods, a full engine balance, and a stand alone engine management system, like Motec, and a mild camshaft. You'd probably have to run a custom front crank pulley/harmonic balancer, since I've heard the stock M42 one fails at 7200rpm. Doing all of this to the M42 would make a fun track engine, but it would not create a torque monster since even a fully worked S42 only produced around 185ft-lbs of torque at a very high ~7.5k rpm.

If you want to be fast on the track, build up a M42.

If you want to have fun on the street, swap in a 6 cylinder.

If you want a compromise between the two, supercharge the M42.

In short, there are no really good bolt torque improvements for the M42, short of a supercharger.

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  • 7 kuud hiljem...

Further, the long-stroke forged crankshaft from the M47 motor coupled with an overbore of +2 mm will make for a 2.1 L Stroker M42. The 86 mm pistons from a European 3.0 L S50 will produce a high compression, stroker M42 when coupled with the M47 crank. The addition of a MAF conversion from an M50 engine and properly setup cams, valvetrain, and tuning will yield potent output from the "lowly" M42

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  • 1 kuu hiljem...
Silwer, oled sa sellise kasti hinnaklassiga ka juba kursis? :D

otselülitus kastid käivadki nii peeneks et karm lihtsalt.. ja hind on mahlakas.. aga selle kasti peale mõtle alles siis kui tava kaste enam päevas mitu korda vahetada ei viitsi.. otse kast tähendab seda et kastil ei ole sünkroid.. lihtsalt otse hambumine, sealt see karm inin tulebki!

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