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  1. Sa oled aasta hiljaks jäänud
  2. Alpina X on tehtud 27 isendit minu andmetel 2.7L mootoriga
  3. www.talweld.ee - Torustiku montaa¾ ja keevitus - Metallkonstruktsioonide keevitus - Laevaehitus ja remont - AL detailide remont - kliima torud jne samuti - Keevitajate rent - Keevitajate koolitus ja atesteerimine vastavalt normile EN287-1 Keevitus protsessid: - Е (teras, roostevaba) - TIG (kõik metallid) - MIG/MAG (teras, roostevaba, AL) Keevitajate pädevus vastab normile EN287-1 Lehe 31-8, 13417 Tallinn Telefon:+372 51 47 441 E-mail:info@talweld.ee
  4. Ma loodan, et see oli nüüd iroonia
  5. Kõige parem aeg kruiisimiseks oleks hommikul 4-5 ajal- liiklust pole aga on piisavalt valge juba.
  6. No kas täna hängib kuskil?
  7. Sa oled jah rõve rullnokk nendega.
  8. Käisid just pesulas ju?
  9. Ma vist see kord ei jõua.
  10. Tiit

    diffri ülekanded

    Viskodiffer ei olegi võimeline enamaks kui 25% lukuks- pidamisega rattale rakendub kuni 25% momendist.
  11. A tulge konna parem. :roll:
  12. Tiit

    E30 Touringu ajalugu

    Leidsin veel pilte siit lehelt: http://forums.bimmerforums.com/forum/showthread.php?t=911067&page=3
  13. Tiit

    E30 Touringu ajalugu

    Jah, on kupee baasil, hakkasin seda ka Eesti keelde ümber tõlkima aga pole jõudnud sellega kuigi kaugele.
  14. Siin keegi veel keetis tulesid , tema sai oma reflektoritest lahti.
  15. Kui klaasid nagunii vahetusse siis tuled ahju ca 15 minutiks, pärast koti sisse ja klaas haamriga puruks- siis hea näpitsatega klaasi tükke tule küljest lahti kangutada(seestpoolt väljapoole painutades). Seda kõike peab tegema seni kuni tuli veel kuum. Saab ka tervelt klaase kätte aga kulub oluliselt rohkem aega ja kannatust selleks. Tuld on soovitav löömise hetkel hoida klaasiga allapoole, et mitte reflektorit rikkuda, lappide ja paberitega ärge puru sealt ära pühkige, suruõhk kõige parem- ei kriimusta reflektorit.
  16. Kristallkuul , kohvipaksult ennustatakse, ju saab klaaskuulidelt ka.
  17. kui ´reenal jama võib ju mustikasse käia sealt.
  18. Kui musi lubab, siis tulen ka.
  19. A LeCoq arenal te ju seda ometi ei tee, siia teemasse sobiks see jutt paremini.
  20. Allpool jääraja teema olemas ju.
  21. Teeme see esmaspäev Taneli juures kogunemise, saab jälle kruiisi teha
  22. Tiit

    E30 Touringu ajalugu

    Arvud varieeruvad, ilmselt kõige täpsema numbri saaks kui kirjutaks firmasse ja küsiks.
  23. Tiit

    E30 Touringu ajalugu

    tundub, et firma veel toimetab:http://www.luchjenbroers.nl/
  24. tõlge sellelt lehelt: http://www.bmwtouring.nl/touring/e30/2deurstouring_1.htm Autovisie 6/1986- Driving with Luchjenbroers ~ BMW T Tough Touring The BMW Touring was a fault. It was its time too far ahead. But isn’t it time for a follower? A Dutch company thinks it is and shows how. About fifteen years ago, BMW introduced a remarkable bodywork version from the in that time amazingly popular 02-series. The speciality from this so-called ‘Touring’ was the oblique rear of the car with surprisingly large rear door, in stead of the usual separate trunk. Looking at the cars from the eighties, it is hardly imaginable that this was such a stir. In that time, Renault was practically the only manufacturer which was being a pioneer with its R4 and R16; clearly precursors from nowadays hatchbacks. Almost like having a vision on the current GTi-rage, BMW must have seen possibility’s to equip its cars with a sporty tint. Looking at the style from that time this was not being done by applying kick ass spoilers and side-skirts. In stead of that, the Touring was equipped with the common engines from the 02-series from the 1600 till the two-litre injection. Not only as a hot hatchback the Touring 2000 Tii was its time far ahead, separate folding of the backseat was unique in that time, although it took some time for the people to get used to. The result was that the Touring remained a wallflower in the BMW series and even silently disappeared after several years. Since that time, the white-blue brand was unwilling to burn its hands on any model with an odd number of doors. The predecessor from the ‘hot hatchbacks’: The BMW Touring 2000 Tii from 1973. Note the partial folding back seats. Initiative A pity, according to the brothers Henk and Henny Luchjenbroers from Emmen, in daily life owner of a car repair station. Deep inside their specialists hart they where very surprised that not even in Germany no bodyconversion company would take on a construction from a BMW with more practical opportunities. No panics: in that case the initiators would come from Dutch soil. At first the attention went to construct a combo on a base of the BMW 5-series, such like the Mercedes T (for Tourism and Transportation). But after a radical meeting with an authentic BMW Touring… the gentlemen Luchjenbroers changed their minds. On the end of 1982 the saw went into one of the first, brand new models of the new BMW 3-series. The Luchjenbroers brothers didn`t wanted to call the result all ready ‘Touring’ out loud, but it is sufficient to gave it the letter ‘T’ (although a bit confusing because of Mercedes’ earlier same product name). Nevertheless is the Luchjenbroers BMW worthy to its too young died forefather. Style This BMW “T” (we maintain to call it “T”) thanks its ‘dignity’ to the fact that it’s creators designed the exterior in the style of the current Baiern 3-series. A remarkable detail is the small strip tin after the second side window. At the “T” this is simply moved thirty centimetre to the back, but it maintains its stylish functioning completely. The roof is from the beginning at the front pillars made of a new plate of sheet metal; the extra part of the roof is not just being pasted to the already existing part. The new lengthened side windows are specially made for the Luchjenbroers Brothers. On the inside of the car the wheel casings are reinforced, to apply more torsional stiffness. A crucial addition, because the original crossbeam underneath the rear window has been removed. In the end, a trunk with a crossbeam would look unpunctual now would it? And now the last essential part of the BMW “T”, the tailgate. During our visit in Emmen (NL) both Henk and Henny where not too willing telling us too much about it. When looking closely to detail pictures the reason becomes clear (don’t get distracted by the spoiler): in benefit of the BMW “T” a VW Golf was found ‘willing’ to supply its tailgate. Tough ride By the way, this loaner game is by our judgement nothing to be ashamed of. The lower side of the tailgate fits perfectly to the more round-shaped rear of the BMW, while the righteous fitted rear pillars give a nice overflow to both sides. The complete overview displays a nice finishing off. This impression is being amplified after a tough ride in the BMW “T”, equipped with the 320i engine. None of the changes made to the body work seems to give negative influences to the driving performances; no ‘twisting’ and no strange or indefinable sounds. The view around is amazing. Only disadvantage is that the large glass plates are making the interior a greenhouse like. Too bad, but that is the price you pay for seeing and being seen, because the “T” is an absolute eye-catcher. Other additions to mention are of course the BBS widening set and the huge wheels with Goodrich Comp T/A tires. Overall amazingly extra’s, which makes this BMW a Tough Touring. Blessing The BMW “T” we drove was number 001, the exemplar in preparation on the pictures is number 003. No mass production so far at the Luchjenbroers firm, although five right-steering BMW will arrive from England within short notice. These will be repatriated as “T” model. Further on a person in Sydney is interested to built the “T” under license, but this might be a bit too far from the home of the Luchjenbroers brothers. As for now the brothers have more than enough work on their car repair station and will the “T” remain more like a hobby. It is clear that this is not to be labelled amateur like. Moreover maintains BMW Netherlands the guarantee over a converted “T” and is the model being fully accepted by the Dutch Transportation Department (IVW). To convert a BMW 3-serie with any engine a customer I requested to pay 15000 guilders (about 7000 euro’s nowadays, without inflation) to the Luchjenbroers brothers (05910-25974). An amount of money which will melt as ice in the sun during your test drive over the nearby autobahnen (German highways without speedlimitation). Because an average Mercedes or Porsche driver needs to improve its driving skills to get the same appearance as the BMW “T”. Article by Jan-Willem Vester - The BMW “T” tailgate is being held up by a gas-pressurised dampener. The height is no more than a ‘regular’ BMW 3. - The BMW “T”, ready in rough shape. A remarkable style element is the strip of tin after the second side window. - A view of the reinforcement of the wheel casings. In the space leftover car tools can be stored later on. - However the backseat can be folded, this doesn’t supply a nice flat trunk. For finishing off several parts original BMW covers are being used. - The great finishing off expresses itself in the stability in the corners. Page #3: The advertisement as it was in the April 2000 magazine number from Auto motor Klassiek (Auto motor Classic). The question that raised during the reading of this advertisement is: ‘Where are the other five Luchjenbroers ‘tourings’ nowadays’. Rare BMW 3 Series, only 6 made of. Year of manufacturing 1985, price f 6000,- (Guilders) Asking around tells that a total of 5 or 6 have been manufactured. One for an Englishman (325i?) and the remaining 4/5 have been maintained in Holland. Another 3 door touring is owned by the Luchjenbroers brothers. Photographed at the BMW meeting in Lelystad in the year 2000. Inside the car there is a plate which says “Luchjenbroers nummer 003 (Luchjenbroers number 003)”, probably the third they have made. The current owner was able to tell that the car was manufactured by instructions of BMW Den Haag (The Hague), the Netherlands. How he got to that information is not known and is also not traceable. However, the lack of traceability doesn’t make this car less special. Marc, thank you for the photograph, advertisement and information folder.
  25. Kuna jube tüütu on pilte mööda teemasid taga ajada siis võiks kogunemiste järelkaja koguda eraldi teemasse(näiteks siia samasse) 11.mai 2009 kogunemine ja kruiis http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-MkH8eoEUV8 http://fotoalbum.ee/photos/eix22/49224493 http://nagi.ee/photos/STalu/sets/199251/
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