Hüppa postitusse

1 264 200"  Neid kasutati kõigis E21 320/6 , 323i ja E12 520/6 mootorid ja hiljem E28 ning E30 eta mootorid. Aasta esimesel (eelnevalt 84)  E30 323i "200"


Järgmine versioon oli "1 277 731" aka "731". See oli pea sama nagu 200 kuid Objekte suurem tarbimine sadamates.


Lõplik versioon oli "1 705 885" või "885" kasutusele 325i. Ports veelgi laienenud, ventiilid olid suuremad ja põlemiskambris on ümber kujundatud, et parandada voolu ja termodünaamiline kasutegur. Kasutatud 325i ja E30 super eta mootorid.


äkki on kellegile kasuks või väkseks mõttet teraks milline kaan laseb õhku paremini läbi :Dmida oleks parem portida jne

loodan et minust oli abi.




     200                                       731                                            885

Esiletõstetud vastused

See google tõlge suht saast. Pildid ehk kasulik materjal.

Mina tooks siin teemas välja ühe olulisima asja igasuguste swappide ja muude imearetuste jaoks, et kõik need kaaned on omavahel vahetatavad vaid eta mootori peal. Teiste puhul ikka iga jaoks oma kaas.

Porditud '731 = peaaegu '885'ega

Porditud '200 = '731'ega sest klapid on väiksed '200'l

Hea kui saaksid lisada ka inglise keelse teksti mida sa tõlkisid.

See mis hetkel seal, on paras purdru ja kapsad.

Porditud '731 = peaaegu '885'ega

Porditud '200 = '731'ega sest klapid on väiksed '200'l

See küll suht lampi :D

Igatahes copy-paste näiteks E30 Zone lehelt kaane kohta:


Three different head castings were used over the engine's production run. The earliest was #1264200 aka the 200. These were used in all E21 320/6 and 323i and E12 520/6 engines, and later in the E28 and E30 eta engines (eta = "Power With Economy"). The next version was #1277731 aka the 731. This head was the same as the 200 but featured larger intake ports. The final version was #1705885 or 885 introduced in the 325i. Ports were further enlarged, valves were larger and the combustion chamber was redesigned to improve flow and thermodynamic efficiency.

Despite the three designs, the only differences are valve head sizes, port shapes and combustion chambers. This means that certain parts such as bearings, oil seals and even camshafts are interchangeable between heads.

The heads themselves are not interchangeable; fitting a 731 head to a 325i will result in the valves hitting the pistons, while fitting an 885 head to a 320i will result in the valves hitting the bore lip. 885 heads are therefore completely incompatible with B20 or B23 blocks.

However, a 731 head from the 320i can be used on a 325i (and is essential if building a 2.7), by modifying the engine. The recommended method is by profiling the squish band of the head where the pistons protrude. It is important to remember that the 885 head is designed for profiled m20b25 pistons and the 731 head is designed for pistons that are flat at the squish band and do not protrude from the block, if pistons of a different type are used then combustion chamber shape may be compromised resulting in less power, emission issues and detonation.

When skimming the head, look for dimples in two corners of the head face. These are your depth gauges, and the head can be skimmed until these dimples disappear. Any further skimming compromises the clearance between the piston and head within the squish band; overskimming will likely result in contact, and engine failure.

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