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LAV toodetud BMW'd: E30 333i, E30 325is EVOI ja II, E23 745i


Netiavarustest oli mulle varemgi kõrva jäänud et BMW on tootnud ametlikult M30 mootoriga E30. Ja et selle tähis oli 333i ning toodeti teda vaid Lõuna Aafrika Vabariigis.

Kuid täna selle kohta rohkem infot otsides leidsin veelgi huvitavat, panen siis ka siia oma leitud asjad kirja:


BMW 333i E30:

BMW South Africa's Motorsport division created the 333i in 1986 by fitting the 3.3 M30 "big six" of the 733i to a 2-door E30. The resulting 333i was a major success in saloon car racing in that country and is now a collectors item. These cars were built with help from Alpina in Austria featured some interesting compromises like forcing the buyer to choose between airconditioning (vital in South Africa) or power steering. They were only built in small numbers in 1986. The design specification was intended to be similar in concept to the Alpina B6, and many Alpina parts were used.

Only 204 examples were made, with most of these being entered for Motorsport competition in South Africa. One vehicle was exported to BMW UK, with another 3 or 4 imported into the UK privately.




BMW 325is EVOI ja EVOII (2,7 liitrit M20 mootor, M3 veermik - 5*120mm, alumiinumist keredetailid jne):

The 325is Ev0 1, was a 145kW 2.7 striaght 6

here are some spec's. These cars are collectors items now

the price range is between 9000 $ (us) up to 19 000 $ (us)


aluminium, bonnet and boot lid

2.7lt motor same pistons as Alpina B3 2.7

Head was same as 2.5,with revised larger valves,alpina 276 cam

Uberko Cloth or leather interior / leather

Sunroof optional

Available in Black, Red, Silver and White. Some were made in Blue but very few

M3 E30 Suspension 5 Hole wheels BBS

M-Tech 2 Body Kit

145 Kw Motor


top speed 236kph

0-100 in 7.2 seconds

Later on in 91-92 the 325iS Evo 2 was produced


Steel body panels

Larger roll bars

Lower Springs 15mm in front 10 mm at rear

Limited Slip Diff

535 Air Flow Meter

Alpina Spec Head

Leather Interior

Front Aero Lip with under tray

Branch Exhaust system developed by Alpina

276 Camshafts

Rougher Idle

Recaro seats,

Bilstein suspension

155 kw motor.

The Evo 2 was not faster than the Ev01, was the mid range was much stronger through the

rev range, top was 237 kph


Info on pärit siit: http://www.e30tech.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=13686&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=0


E23 745i - kasutati E28 M5 ja E24 M6 (M635i) pealt pärit mootorit mis oli saadaval ka automaatkasti otsas:

"A different 745i was built for the South Africa market, perhaps because the turbocharger on the European-market 745i could not be installed in right-hand-drive versions of the car. This car was fitted with the 286hp dual-camshaft 24-valve type-M88 Motorsport engine (with a Bosch ML-Jetronic fuel injection system) as used in the M1, M635i, and M5. 192 of these cars were built between 1984 and 1986, fitted with either an automatic transmission or a 5-speed 'sport' gearbox."

Selle auto kunagine kasutusjuhend: http://www.bigarnie.co.za/cars/745i/files/SA745i.pdf

Esiletõstetud vastused

  • 2 aastat hiljem...

Vat selline tehasepoole 333i ja 325is LAV vabariigi jaoks toodetud E30,

oleks ikka päris meeldiv, suht koht unistuseks võiks lausa öelda, kuna see on ju originaal, mitte ise kodukootud masin jne....

Sellist haruldust ei julgekski tänavale nagu viia. Huvitav, kas mõni selline ka veel LAV-s elujõuline on :? :)

LAV'i jaoks teisigi müstilisi asju toodetud, 4.5 mootor näiteks, ei mäleta enam mis kere peal ja sammuti 5.0 V8 mootoriga FORD SIERRA :D ehk XR8

edit: sorry, ma ei jõudnud sinna 745'ni kohe :lol:

Meil ikka e30 foorum :lol: mitte sierrrrrrraari foorum :lol:

  • Autor
Vat selline tehasepoole 333i ja 325is LAV vabariigi jaoks toodetud E30,

oleks ikka päris meeldiv, suht koht unistuseks võiks lausa öelda, kuna see on ju originaal, mitte ise kodukootud masin jne....

Sellist haruldust ei julgekski tänavale nagu viia. Huvitav, kas mõni selline ka veel LAV-s elujõuline on :? :)

On küll neid autosid seal liikvel. Aga nende 333i ja 325is analoogid on euroopas kah täiesti olemas. Lihtsalt Alpina nime all.


Hmm... :) oleks vaid vabaraha hetkel piisvalt... ütlen ma sellepeale.

Vägagi kenad masinad neil kuulutustel 8) :D

Tea, kas ka eestis olemas mõni originaal 333i ning LAV 325is :roll:

Sooviks sellega veidi lähemalt tutvuda 8)

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