2017 E30-meet @Muurame, Finland
I hope this picture link works.... Anyway, we're having T-shirts made, 25€ a piece. Sizes available S-XL plus ladyfits. If anyone's interested, tell me. Not sure when the order has a deadline.
2017 E30-meet @Muurame, Finland
Hello everyone I'm the loud long haired dude from Finland who attended your wonderful E30-meet at Valga last year. There'll be a meet in Finland this May.. The following is a copy-paste-edit from last years topic... There will be the 8th annual E30 meet at Muurame, Finland. We've had some people attend from Estonia, hoping to see more of you this year. The date is set from friday 19th to sunday 21.5.2017. All the "action" takes place on saturday when we go for a scenic drive through the regions twisty roads, between lakes 'n such :). The gathering place for the meet drive is Punasillantie 2, Muurame (address is prone to changes, I'll confirm later). On Saturday, note. Driving starts at 15:00 on saturday, I've recommended to people that they arrive 1-1,5hrs before. Leaves time for tyre kicking plus there's a lunch restaurant on the spot if anyone's hungry. We always give out the route with turn directions and street names, with km's from the starting point. So if one pushes the trip meter to zero at starting point and follows the instruction you won 't get lost. The driving normally ends on top of Riihivuori where we've had a crank throwing contest, barbeque and repetition of the friday nights party. Sunday.. well that's just for going home For those who arrive on friday we've held an ever popular E30-trivia contest. People have rented cabins/cottages for the weekend from Riihivuori, it's a skiing centre with a nice real view to adjacent lakes and country side. They have cabins on pretty much every level of price and luxury. Not far from the meets starting place. http://www.riihivuorenlomakyla.fi/ http://www.riihivuori.com/ The meet is open to everyone interested in E30s. It doesn't matter whether your E30 is worth 300 or 30 000€, bring it there anyway. Even if you're an E30-enthusiast but your car is in pieces you can come, just drive behind the E30-convoy. I probably forgot a lot of things, I'll update as it comes to mind. Any comments, questions, fire away! -Jarno
Suvine kokkutulek Oore Puhkealal 09.-10.07.2016
A big thank you to the organizers for setting everything up, and to everyone else for being so welcoming to us. And of course to Karl for the ride. I was the long haired guy who didn't speak any Estonian :). BTW, a few people asked me about my car. I won't put up a project topic here as I already have couple, elsewhere. Here's one in case someone's interested: http://www.r3vlimited.com/board/showthread.php?t=226614
2016 E30-meet @ Muurame, Finland, more info at post #1
Info about the meet T-shirts! They will be handed out at the meet to everyone who has pre-ordered. They are 20€ a piece, sizes available (men) S-5XL, and ladyfit S-XXL. Picture front: Picture back Somebody tell me do those pic links work, can you see the pictures? Order must be placed before 21.3., payment 1.4.2016. I'll come up with more ordering/payment details at some point. -Jarno
2016 E30-meet @ Muurame, Finland, more info at post #1
By using google translator I'm somewhat keeping up with the discussion in this thread It'll be a weekend trip you won't regret I think. Anyone interested in that T-shirt? Sizes available S-XL plus a ladyfit. Not sure about the price but I'm betting ~20€ or less a piece. See you all there, Jarno.
petrolhead muutis oma profiilipilti
2016 E30-meet @ Muurame, Finland, more info at post #1
I hope these picture links work. Tell me if they don't I'll post them up some other way. Anyhow the meet T-shirts should look something like this:
2016 E30-meet @ Muurame, Finland, more info at post #1
Better start making plans everyone! Just a few months till this. You can ask username "oo7" what the meet was like, he was there last year. -Jarno
2016 E30-meet @ Muurame, Finland, more info at post #1
Hello everyone There will be the 7th annual E30 meet at Muurame, Finland. This year, 2015, there were 2 E30s from Estonia. I'm hoping to see more 2016. The date is set from friday 20. to sunday 22.5. 2016. All the action takes place on saturday when we go for a scenic drive through the regions twisty roads, between lakes after lakes. The gathering place for the meet drive is Punasillantie 2, Muurame. On Saturday, note. Driving starts at 15:00 on saturday, I've recommended to people that they arrive 1-1,5hrs before. Leaves time for tyre kicking plus there's a lunch restaurant on the spot if anyone's hungry. We always give out the route with turn directions and street names, with km's from the starting point. So if one pushes the trip meter to zero at starting point and follows the instruction you won 't get lost. The driving normally ends on top of Riihivuori where we've had a crank throwing contest, barbeque and repetition of the friday nights party. Sunday.. well that's just for going home For those who arrive on friday we've held an ever popular E30-trivia contest. Plus, I'm not making any promises but this year we had karaoke equipment there too. People have rented cabins/cottages for the weekend from Riihivuori, it's a skiing centre with a nice real view to adjacent lakes and country side. They have cabins on pretty much every level of price and luxury. http://www.riihivuorenlomakyla.fi/ http://www.riihivuori.com/ The meet is open to everyone interested in E30s. It doesn't matter whether your E30 is worth 300 or 30 000€, bring it there anyway. I probably forgot a lot of things, I'll update as it comes to mind. Any comments, questions, fire away! -Jarno
Soome kokkutulek 2015
I hope this link works OK.. Anyway, preview of the 2015 E30 meet T-shirt. More details when it's finished and available
Soome kokkutulek 2015
Forgot to mention, only word in Estonian I know is "teretulemast" . Google says the above means "has anyone considered going there??" Well, I for one hope so! We've tradiotonally had "E30 Meet T-shirts" made, so if you're joining and want one or, two, let me know. I'll post pics of the T-shirt to that FB-group when it's ready. -Jarno
Soome kokkutulek 2015
Hello everyone. I am the organizer of that meet. Join the group in Facebook, I'll be happy to answer any and all questions you might have. I'm hoping to see at least some cars join from outsidde our borders -Jarno