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Latvia e30.lv community invite all e30 fans to visit e30.lv season opening event on May 26, 2018 

Dress code: Latvia 100year glamor!

9:00 - Meeting at Riga. Spice Home parking lot. 56 ° 55'57.1 "N 24 ° 02'23.5" E
10:00 - Go to the Rezekne. Long distance ~ 250km
11:30 - Along the way photo sessions, some other attractions.
14:00 - Track activities in the Rēzekne airport. 56 ° 33'33.9 "N 27 ° 13'17.9" E (second meeting point)
16:00 - Free time get to know Rezekne city https://goo.gl/maps/kRuRjJm66NB2  (from Tallinn 435km)
17:00 - Relaxing at the guest house "Green Island" http: //www.hotelzalasala.lv 56 ° 31'20.0 "N 27 ° 24'08.
18:00 Take part in the attractions and other activities. Win prizes!
20:00 - Live music and dance till morning

Sleeping places are guaranteed for everyone, but who is sleeping at this event!

Send an e-mail to info@e30club.eu . Specify car owner name, car registration plate number, car type, passengers. You will receive confirmation of e-mail, event details and bank details for payment.

gentlemen - 35 EUR, ladies - 20 EUR


Sigulda Adventures https://www.facebook.com/SiguldaAdventures/
Autovieta https://www.facebook.com/Autovieta/
GAT Baltic https: //www.facebook. com / GATbaltic /
SkotsSkroders https://www.facebook.com/skotsskroders/
Z and V Autocentrs
IT Source Labs / Milla Luck
RR Motorsport - track activities

# e30lv # e30latvia # e30lvopen2018 # recode30sezonu2018

Forum: https://www.e30.lv/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=18

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/e30klubslatvija/


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